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Journal of Orthopedic Science

Oncologists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Orthopedists, Sports Medicine Specialists
The Journal of Orthopaedic Science is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. The journal publishes the latest researches and topical debates in all fields of clinical and experimental orthopaedics, including musculoskeletal medicine, sports medicine, locomotive syndrome, trauma, paediatrics, oncology and biomaterials, as well as basic researches.The journal accepts articles dealing with the entire human body, including spine, upper extremities and lower extremities. Article types accepted include original articles, review articles, rapid short communications, and letters to the editor. The journal welcomes articles from all sources worldwide. Important note: The Japanese Orthopaedic Association launched an open access case report journal (JOS Case Reports). Case report articles are received by JOS Case Reports. For authors who submit case report manuscripts, please refer to the guide for authors of JOS Case Reports ( and acknowledge to pay a fee upon acceptance. Please check the APC on the journal homepage.
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