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Current Research in Toxicology

Title Abbreviation
Curr Res Toxicol
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Biologists, Toxicologists
Current Research in Toxicology (CRTOX) is a new primary research, gold open access journal from Elsevier. CRTOX publishes original research on the broad range of toxicology subfields and drawing from various, overlapping disciplines, with particular attention to the aspects of linking mechanistic toxicity data to apical effects, addressing vulnerable populations and life stages, systems toxicology and computational models, and synthetic biology and other innovative technologies. Current Research in Toxicology is a peer-reviewed gold open access (OA) journal and upon acceptance all articles are permanently and freely available. It is a companion to the highly regarded review journal Current Opinion in Toxicology (2018 Citescore 2.27) and is part of the Current Opinion and Research(CO+RE) suite of journals . All CO+RE journals leverage the Current Opinion legacy-of editorial excellence, high-impact, and global reach-to ensure they are a widely read resource that is integral to scientists' workflow. Current Research in Toxicology publishes original research on the broad range of toxicology subfields and drawing from various, overlapping disciplines, with particular attention to the aspects of: 1. Linking mechanistic toxicity data to apical effects. 2. Addressing vulnerable populations and life stages. 3. Systems toxicology and Computational models. 4. Synthetic biology and other Innovative technologies.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier B.V.
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