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Toxicology Research and Application

Title Abbreviation
Toxicol Res Appl
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Toxicology Research and Application is an international peer reviewed, open access journal publishing original scientific research and comprehensive, timely reviews in the broad field of toxicology. Although the scope is deliberately broad, including biomarker, modes/mechanisms of toxicity, systems toxicity and nanotoxicity, emphasis is placed on safety and risk assessment, including application to practical problems confronting the human population. Toxicology Research and Application publishes timely articles of relevance to animals and humans pertaining to the pathophysiology and/or action of chemicals, including drugs and agricultural chemicals of natural or man-made origin. Emphasis will be placed on toxic observations and modes/mechanism observed at relevant exposures which have a direct impact on safety evaluation and risk assessment. Consideration will be given to original research that addresses mechanistic approaches to physiological, pharmacologic, biochemical, cellular, or molecular understanding of toxicologic/pathologic lesions and to methods used to describe these responses. Regulatory Safety articles, papers concerned with the 3 R's and alternatives to the use of experimental animals, and papers reporting negative results are encouraged. Authors must clearly identify chemically the material tested and briefly explain what novel toxic effect(s) or toxic mechanism(s) of the chemical are being reported and why these are significant.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - UK
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