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Title Abbreviation
Plants (Basel)
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Cell Biologists, Cytologists, Pathologists, Physiologists
Plants (ISSN 2223-7747) is an international and multidisciplinary scientific open access journal that covers all key areas of plant science. It publishes review articles, regular research articles, communications, and short notes in the fields of structural, functional and experimental botany. In addition to fundamental disciplines such as morphology, systematics, physiology and ecology of plants, the journal welcomes all types of articles in the field of applied plant science. The main aim of our journal is to encourage scientists and research groups to publish theoretical and experimental results of research in all fundamental and applied fields of plant science. The full experimental procedure must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. There is no restriction on the maximum length of the papers. Scope: Journal covers the following interest areas and sub-areas in plant science: Plant cytology and histology; Plant anatomy and morphology; Systematics, taxonomy and classification; Plant physiology and ecophysiology; Plant genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry; Ecology and biogeography of plants; Phytocenology; Evolutionary biology, plant phylogeny and paleobotany; Plant diversity and conservation biology; Experimental and applied plant science: new methods in experimental botany; biology of medicinal plants; ethnobotany; biological effects of active substances from plants; phytomedicine; new plant products, active substances and secondary metabolites; plant drug development; agricultural plants; plants derived food; horticultural plants; phytopathology; plant biotechnology; interactions between plants and other organisms; the importance of plants in the environment; the use of plants in biological control; crop protection and pesticides.
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