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Plant Biotechnology Journal

Title Abbreviation
Plant Biotechnol J
Electronic ISSN
Agriculturists, Bio Chemists, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Cell Biologists, Geneticists, Molecular Biologists, Pharmaceutical Scientistists
Plant Biotechnology Journal is published monthly by Wiley-Blackwell in association with the Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) and the Association of Applied Biology (AAB). Plant Biotechnology Journal aims to publish high-impact original research and incisive reviews by leading researchers in applied plant science, with an emphasis on molecular plant sciences and their applications through plant biotechnology. We aim to provide a forum for the most important advances in this field, including curiosity-driven studies with the potential for application, strategic research in plant biotechnology, scientific analysis of key issues for the beneficial application of plant sciences and scientific analysis of the performance of the products of plant biotechnology in practice. Plant Biotechnology Journal often receives manuscripts describing research carried out solely in model species. While the Plant Biotechnology Journal will continue to accept exceptional manuscripts describing novel and useful procedures carried out in model species, one of the strengths of the Plant Biotechnology Journal is its ability to focus on application. Therefore, from January 2011 the Plant Biotechnology Journal will immediately reject manuscripts containing high quality, but not exceptional, research relating solely to model species.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Association of Applied Biologists (AAB), Society for Experimental Biology (SEB)
Publisher Name
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. - UK
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