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Frontiers in Environmental Science

Title Abbreviation
Front Environ Sci
Electronic ISSN
Environmental Epidemiologists
Frontiers in Environmental Science is a multidisciplinary journal, publishing research on the rapid changes occurring in our natural world due to anthropogenic activity. Led by Field Chief Editor Martin Siegert (University of Exeter, UK), Frontiers in Environmental Science is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE) and the DOAJ among others, and welcomes submissions that explore environmental changes and their cause across the following disciplines: • Atmosphere and Climate • Big Data, AI and the Environment • Biogeochemical Dynamics • Drylands • Ecosystem Restoration • Environmental Citizen Science • Environmental Economics and Management • Environmental Informatics and Remote Sensing • Environmental Policy and Governance • Environmental Systems Engineering • Freshwater Science • Interdisciplinary Climate Studies • Land Use Dynamics • Social-Ecological Urban Systems • Soil Processes • Toxicology, Pollution and the Environment • Water and Wastewater Management. Our natural world is experiencing a state of rapid change unprecedented in the presence of humans. The changes affect virtually all physical, chemical and biological systems on Earth. The interaction of these systems leads to tipping points, system feedbacks and amplification of effects. The journal aims to explore the processes responsible, and the measures needed to reduce their impact. Without proper understanding of the processes involved, and deep understanding of the likely impacts of bad decisions or inaction, the security of food, water and energy is a risk. Left unchecked shortages of these basic commodities will lead to migration, economic deterioration, global geopolitical tension and conflict.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Frontiers Media SA
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