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Title Abbreviation
Electronic ISSN
Epidemiologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Vaccinologists
Official Journal of the Spanish Association of Vaccinology (AEV) Vacunas is a peer-reviewed journal supported by an advisory committee of experts in the field of vaccinology. The aim of the journal is to contribute to the dissemination of scientific advances made in basic and advanced research in the field of vaccine-preventable diseases in humans. It focuses especially on aspects associated with planning and evaluation: epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases, development of vaccination programs, evaluation of vaccine efficacy and effectiveness. Vacunas publishes, in English or Spanish, editorials, original articles, special articles, reviews, vaccination strategies and programs. It also includes sections on literary reviews, news and congresses related to vaccination. The scientific review process is carried out anonymously by expert reviewers in the field of each manuscript, as well as by experts in methodology or statistics as indicated by the editorial committee, which is responsible for maintaining an efficient editorial process to facilitate the publication of manuscripts as quickly as possible.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Spanish Association of Vaccinology (Asociación Española de Vacunología) (AEV)
Publisher Name
Elsevier España, S. L.
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