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Frontiers in Digital Health

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Front Digit Health
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Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Artificial Intelligence Researcher, Data Scientists
Frontiers in Digital Health, led by Field Chief Editor Prof Björn Wolfgang Schuller (Imperial College London, UK), explores the ways in which innovative digital tools and technologies can transform modern healthcare. Indexed in PubMed Central (PMC), Scopus, Web of Science (ESCI), and the DOAJ, among others, Frontiers in Digital Health publishes research across the spectrum of digital health, from AI to big data and ethics to personalization, to provide better prevention, diagnostics and treatment. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Connected health; Digital health communication; Digital mental health; Health informatics; Health technology implementation; Human factors and digital health; Lifestyle and behavior; Personalized medicine. Health technology continues to re-innovate itself, benefiting from the rise of Digital Health. All these promising changes and innovations, however, lead to ethical questions that require rapid and rigorous responses. Putting all pieces together, there is the promise of an era of health service for all - hopefully marked by increasing prediction and prevention, rather than just diagnosis and treatment -, anywhere, anytime, efficient, explainable, ethical, reliable, robust, in real-time, and in a trustworthy manner. Frontiers in Digital Health is committed to advancing developments in the field by allowing unrestricted access to articles and communicating scientific knowledge to researchers and the public alike, to enable the scientific breakthroughs of the future. Frontiers in Digital Health is the official journal of the Bridge2AI-Voice consortium.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Bridge2AI-Voice (B2AI-V)
Publisher Name
Frontiers Media SA
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