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Dosis (Dose)

Pharmaceutical Scientistists, Pharmacists
Dosis, a pharmaceutical journal Dosis is the only scientific journal in the field of pharmacy in Finnish. It publishes original studies, reviews and dissertation reviews of pharmacy and related disciplines. In addition, we accept scientific comments on topics of interest to the field, as well as letters and replies. Dosis is published four times a year as an Open Access online publication. It is published and published by the Finnish Pharmaceutical Association. Dos is read by those interested in research in pharmacy and related disciplines, and it is used in pharmacy teaching at universities. In 2011, Dosis was approved for EVO scoring by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, i.e. the articles published in it are taken into account when evaluating publication points per health care unit for the payment of special state contributions. The Publications Forum (JUFO) has evaluated Dosis, and its JUFO classification is 1. JUFO is a level classification of publication channels implemented by the Finnish scientific community that supports the quality assessment of research.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Finnish Pharmaceutical Association (Suomen Farmasialiitto) (FPA)
Publisher Name
Finnish Pharmaceutical Association (Suomen Farmasialiitto)
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