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Journal of Education and Research in Emergencies (La Revista de Educacion e Investigacion en Emergencias)

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Therapeutic Area
Emergency Nurses, Emergency Physicians
The Journal of Education and Research in Emergencies is the official scientific dissemination body of the Mexican Society of Emergency Medicine (SMME). It is an electronic, quarterly, open access, peer-reviewed journal, attached to COPE and ICJME (see Editorial Ethics ) that is published in Spanish or English. Its mission is to publish, from the scientific perspective of Emergency Medicine, original research articles, reviews and case reports, among other works, coordinated by an Editorial Committee and refereed by peers in a blinded process and in accordance with international standards, always seeking theoretical and methodological solidity, with current topics and academic and clinical relevance for readers who study and practice Emergency Medicine from any perspective. The journal's vision is to be a national and international reference journal for publication in Emergency Medicine, with high standards of quality and methodological rigor, which includes the areas of pre-hospital, nursing, medicine (in all its specialties), administration, education and research. Its objective is therefore to disseminate studies, research, reviews and case reports, as well as other discussions and controversies in the field of Emergency Medicine, with particular attention to Latin America. The above is to raise the academic, scientific and technical level of the staff working in multipurpose or specialized Emergency Services, both extra- and intra-hospital.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Mexican Society of Emergency Medicine (Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina de Emergencia) (SMME)
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