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Frontiers in Hematology

Title Abbreviation
Front Hematol
Electronic ISSN
Academics, Biologists, Clinicians, Geneticists, Hematologists, Immunologists, Researchers
Frontiers in Hematology is a multidisciplinary platform dedicated to the dissemination of high-quality scientific articles in hematology, bringing together experts to inspire and promote cutting-edge research. Led by Field Chief Editor Hans Hasselbalch (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Frontiers in Hematology seeks to advance our knowledge of all the factors that determine the presence or absence of hematological diseases and disorders. Frontiers in Hematology welcomes contributions in the various domains of hematological research, from basic to clinical studies. Topics of interest include: Blood cancer; Hematopoiesis and stem cells; Immunobiology and immunotherapy; Red cells, iron and erythropoiesis.
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No associations affiliated with this journal
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Frontiers Media SA
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