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Bio Chemists, Biologists, Cytologists, Geneticists
Aims & Scope: Translation of mRNA into protein is a central step in the gene expression pathway. It is tightly controlled to provide cells with a rapid, robust and highly specific means to respond to changes in its microenvironment. Pathological regulation of translation occurs in many diseases including diabetes, heart failure and cancer. Agents to correct aberrant translation are being actively developed. Translation is planned as a unique peer-reviewed, high-profile journal with a broad international audience. The launch of this journal reflects the tremendous progress in the field of translation over the past decade. Translation will cover two major areas: Biochemistry and basic cell biology - structure, function and regulation of the translational apparatus in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Translational control in biology and medicine - molecular and systems-level studies of translation across the entire spectrum of development and function of multicellular organisms and human health and disease. We encourage reports of advances in cell free systems, in vitro, in vivo and in silico.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - US
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