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Medical Radiology (La Radiologia Medica)

Title Abbreviation
Radiol Med
Electronic ISSN
Artificial Intelligence Researcher, Nuclear Medicine Physicians, Radiologists
La radiologia medica, founded by Felice Perussia in 1914, is a peer-reviewed journal and the official organ of the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM). The journal is intended as a medium for the communication of results and developments in the field of Radiology, particularly on advances in diagnostic imaging and its allied sciences. The journal welcomes original contributions on both basic and clinical aspects of modern radiology, with special emphasis on diagnostic and interventional imaging techniques, including clinical implications of radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, radiobiology, health physics and artificial intelligence. A distinguished Editorial Board and a selection of reports published in the form of original articles, review articles, editorials, short reports and letters to the editor render this publication indispensable for radiologists and related specialists. The Journal aims at being a forum for the international radiological community.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica e Interventistica) (SIRM)
Publisher Name
Springer-Verlag Italia Srl
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