Internists, Researchers, Scientists, Scientists - Research/Biomedical Aging
The Spanish Journal of Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine (RECCMI) is an official journal from the Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI) which expands upon the content of the scientific society’s regular publications.
The journal was created by SEMI in response to a clear call for collaboration with internal medicine scientific societies in Central and South America as well as all Spanish-speaking scientific communities.
Scope: to provide a means of clinical and scientific expression for sharing the characteristics of patients with disease processes whose dissemination and communication may improve medical knowledge in the Spanish language.
Aims: to offer and promote a forum for all clinicians, especially specialists in training, as well as residents and young specialists seeking to share their first publications on relevant cases.
RECCMI accepts papers describing unusual or complex cases that may be encountered on a daily or sporadic basis in Internal Medicine Units. The journal also accepts case series provided that they describe unusual characteristics or manifestations of a therapeutic approach that are noteworthy enough to be shared for educational purposes.
The journal may also accept brief reasoned reports regarding the practice of internal medicine, as well as summaries presented at scientific meetings of regional societies of internal medicine that are of interest to SEMI or the Spanish Internal Medicine Foundation (FEMI).
Periodically, and always at the request of the journal board to authors of outstandingly prestigious groups, the journal may include revision articles on clearly relevant and current topics related to the practice of internal medicine.
The educational and formative value of the papers is the primary aim of the journal and is therefore, open access and available to all readers.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna) (SEMI)