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5673 Journals
4536 Congresses
10200+ Unique Records

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

Sponsored Congress(es)
AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved AACR International Conference: Infection and Cancer AACR Meeting: COVID-19 and Cancer AACR New Horizons in Cancer Research Conference AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Advances in Breast Cancer Research AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Bladder Cancer AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Brain Cancer AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Endometrial Cancer AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Liquid Biopsy AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Ovarian Cancer AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Pancreatic Cancer AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Pediatric Cancer AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy AACR Special Conference: Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome AACR Special Conference: Advances in Prostate Cancer Research AACR Special Conference: Cancer Metastasis AACR Special Conference: Precision Prevention, Early Detection and Interception of Cancer AACR Special Conference: Radiation Science and Medicine American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Biennial Ovarian Cancer Research Symposium EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium Frontiers in Cancer Science International Conference International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Melbourne International Joint Breast Congress Pancreatic Cancer: Advances in Science and Clinical Care San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

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"PubsHub [Journals & Congresses] is an indispensable tool when trying to find the perfect home for a manuscript. It is an unbeatable aid when it comes to wise and efficient journal selection."
– Kait G
Editorial-Project Editor
"It’s useful for establishing publication timelines, communicating them to management and setting expectations accordingly"
– Michael K.
Medical Communications Leader
"…a gold mine of information for clinicians and scientists who are trying to determine where to publish their research."
- Weill Cornell Medical Library