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5672 Journals
4536 Congresses
10200+ Unique Records


Title Abbreviation
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Clinicians, Neurologists, Neuroscientists, Pathologists, Residents
Neurology will provide clinical neurologists with outstanding peer-reviewed articles, editorials and reviews to enhance patient care, education, clinical research and professionalism. As the leading clinical neurology journal worldwide, Neurology is directed to physicians concerned with diseases and conditions of the nervous system. The journal's purpose is to advance the field by presenting new basic and clinical research with emphasis on knowledge that will influence the way neurology is practiced. The journal is at the forefront in disseminating cutting-edge, peer-reviewed information to the neurology community worldwide. Editorial content includes full-length Articles, Clinical/Scientific Notes, Views & Reviews (including Medical Hypothesis papers), Issues of Neurological Practice, Historical Neurology, NeuroImages, Humanities, Disputes & Debates: Editors’ Choice, and position papers from the American Academy of Neurology. Contents appearing solely online include the Patient Page, CME Quizzes, Podcasts, and play-in-place video. The online version is considered the canonical version of the journal because it includes all content available to the reader.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Publisher Name
Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - PA
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Impact Factor JCR Categories/Rank Circulation Electronic Circulation Submission to Acceptance Acceptance to Online Publication Acceptance to Print Publication Rejection Rate Frequency Journal Contact Author Submission Guidelines


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