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Drugs of Today

Title Abbreviation
Drugs Today
Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Researchers, Clinical Pharmacists, Clinical Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Healthcare Executives, Medicinal Chemists, Pharmacists, Pharmacologists, Physicians, Researchers, Scientists
Drugs of Today is a peer-reviewed journal with a solid reputation of over 40 years in the scientific publications market. It is a valuable source of information on drugs introduced into the international market. Its updated monographs and articles keep the medical community abreast of the latest developments in diagnosis and treatment across therapeutic areas. This journal includes the following sections: Monographs, up-to-date reviews on recently approved and launched drugs prepared by leading specialists after a rigorous review of the literature and from information provided by pharmaceutical companies. Updates with new relevant information or on line extensions of marketed drugs (e.g., novel formulations, new indications, etc.) are also published. Review articles, highlighting the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, as well as biomarkers for diagnosing diseases, monitoring treatment response, predicting toxicity and identifying candidates for targeted therapy.
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No associations affiliated with this journal
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