Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics
Title Abbreviation
J Ment Health Policy Econ
Electronic ISSN
Health Service Researchers, Managed Care Specialists, Mental Health Administrators, Mental Health Evaluators, Mental Health Policymakers, Policy Makers, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Public Health Professionals
The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics publishes rigorous empirical, analytical, and methodological research using advanced economic and policy analysis techniques applied to compelling topics in mental health and substance use research. The Journal also publishes insightful review and perspective articles, including those that examine mental health and substance use policies and reforms, financing and organization of services for mental health and substance use disorders, and economic evaluation methods pertaining to the costs and outcomes of treatments for mental health and substance use disorders. It offers a multidisciplinary international forum for health economists, health services researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, health policy researchers, health care providers, and policy makers to communicate about research findings and share ideas. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics also serves as a focal point for governmental and international organizations to disseminate contemporary and policy-relevant information to local organizations. The overall aim is to generate new and improved policies and strategies for organizing, financing, and providing services and treatments related to mental health and substance use disorders so as to improve the health of those individuals who are afflicted with or at risk for these disorders.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics (ICMPE), World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
Publisher Name
International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics
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