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A&A Practice is a journal for clinicians worldwide that sup...
Academic Medicine is the official, peer-reviewed journal of...
Academic Pediatrics, the official journal of the Academic P...
Access publishes news and information relevant to dental hy...
Accident Analysis & Prevention provides wide coverage of th...
While safety permeates all ACS journals, it benefits from i...
Acta Tropica, is an international journal on infectious dis...
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Healt...
Advances in Epidemiology is a peer-reviewed, open access jo...
Advances in Integrative Medicine (AIMED) is an internationa...
Advances in Nutrition (AN/Adv Nutr) publishes literature re...
Advances in Public Health is a peer-reviewed, Open Access j...
Advances in Therapy is an international, peer reviewed, rap...
Aerobiologia is an international medium for the publication...
Aerosol and Air Quality Research (AAQR) is an international...
The African Journal of Infectious Diseases (AJID) is a jour...
??????????????Publishing the very latest ground breaking re...
AIDS and Behavior provides an international venue for the s...
AIDS Care is an international peer-reviewed journal publis...
AIDS Patient Care and STDs is the foremost journal providin...
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses was the very first AID...
AIDS Research and Therapy publishes articles on basic, tran...
AIDS Research and Treatment is a peer-reviewed, open access...
AIDS Reviews publishes papers reporting original scientific...
By its very name, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health illustra...
A Journal of the Association for Prevention Teaching and Re...
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine has a mission ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical I...
In December 2013, the publisher of The American Journal of ...
The purpose of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (...
The American Journal of Community Psychology publishes orig...
The American Journal of Epidemiology is the oldest and one ...
The American Journal of Health Behavior seeks to improve th...
The American Journal of Health Economics (AJHE) provides a ...
The mission of the American Journal of Health Education (AJ...
The editorial goal of the American Journal of Health Promot...
American Journal of Health Studies (AJHS) publishes feature...
American Journal of Industrial Medicine considers for publi...
AJIC covers key topics and issues in infection control and ...
The American Journal of Men's Health (AJMH) is a peer-revie...
As the principal publication of the Global Alliance for Beh...
Published quarterly, The American Journal of Preventive Car...
The American Journal of Preventive Medicine is the official...
AJPH is dedicated to publication of original work in resear...
The American Journal of Sexuality Education speaks directly...
Analytical Methods welcomes early applications of new analy...
Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics is the premie...
Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità is a peer reviewed...
Annals of Epidemiology is a peer reviewed, international jo...
Annals of Global Health is a peer-reviewed, fully open acce...
Annals of Human Biology is the leading European scholarly ...
Annals of Medicine is an online, open access, international...
Annals of Medicine and Surgery is an online-only, peer-revi...
The Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AOEM...
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene is one of the world's le...
The Annals of the American Thoracic Society (AnnalsATS) pub...
Annals of Work Exposures and Health is dedicated to present...
he Annual Review of Nutrition, in publication since 1981, c...
The Annual Review of Public Health, in publication since 19...
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control is a global ...
Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology (ASHE) ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology® publishes study res...
Applied Health Economics and Health Policy places an emphas...
The Archives of Clinical Psychiatry was founded in 1972 ...
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health , originall...
Archives of Medical Research publishes original peer-review...
Archives of Public Health is a broad-scope public health jo...
Arthritis Care & Research, an official journal of the Ameri...
Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation (ASMAR) is...
The Ed Book is a National Library of Medicine–indexed colle...
Asia Pacific Family Medicine is an open access journal aimi...
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health is the official journ...
AJUR aims to build a communication platform for internation...
APJTM publishes new findings in basic and clinical research...
Atmosphere (ISSN 2073-4433) is an open access, internationa...
Australia and New Zealand Health Policy welcomes submission...
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health (AN...
The Australian Journal of Primary Health is published by CS...
Avicenna Journal of Medicine, sponsored by the Syrian Ameri...
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings is a subscript...
Biologics in Therapy is an international, peer-reviewed, ra...
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (BES) is a peer-revie...
Biometrical Journal publishes papers on statistical methods...
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment is a fully open ...
Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care is a multidisciplinary, ref...
BMC Digital Health considers research on all aspects of the...
BMC Health Services Research is an open access, peer-review...
BMC Infectious Diseases is an open access, peer-reviewed jo...
BMC International Health and Human Rights is an Open Access...
BMC Medicine is the flagship medical journal of the BMC ser...
BMC Public Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal ...
BMC Women's Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal...
BMJ Global Health is an open access, online journal from BM...
BMJ Medicine is a new open access, multispecialty journal f...
BMJ Open is a medical journal. We consider papers addressin...
The recent expansion of work in the field of breast cancer ...
Breastfeeding Medicine is an authoritative, peer-reviewed j...
British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) is a multi-media ...
The Bulletin of the World Health Organization is an interna...
Cadernos de Saúde Pública/Reports in Public Health (CSP) is...
The Canada Communicable Disease Report (CCDR) is a bilingua...
The Canadian Journal of Public Health is dedicated to foste...
Cancer Causes & Control is an international refereed journa...
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention publishes orig...
Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, a new peer-review, G...
The Journal publishes original articles on disease preventi...
Official Journal of The International Society of Vascular B...
Promote the concept of “wellness”, timely report results in...
Published by the Brazilian Association of Collective Health...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, an Americ...
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review is a quarterly,...
Clinical Epidemiology is an international, peer reviewed, o...
Official Journal of the Indian Clinical Epidemiology Networ...
In the light of development of an extensive range of statin...
Clinical Microbiology Reviews® (CMR) analyzes the latest de...
The journal is devoted to topics of generalizable interest ...
Clinics and Practice (ISSN 2039-7283) is an open access jou...
Mission: To champion knowledge that matters for the health ...
Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods (CESM) is a fully o...
A home for scientifically sound, fully open access and peer...
With the numerous international recognition of co-operative...
Communications Medicine is a selective open access journal ...
Community Mental Health Journal is devoted to evaluation of...
Conflict and Health is a highly-accessed, open access journ...
The journal Contraception wishes to advance reproductive he...
COVID (ISSN 2673-8112) is an open access journal that provi...
Critical Reviews in Microbiology is an international, peer-...
The scope of CDN, includes multiple animal species and rang...
rrent HIV Research covers all the latest and outstanding de...
This journal intends to provide clear, insightful, balanced...
CTR is an open access, author-pays, online-only journal. Fo...
CVD Prevention and Control seeks to provide a forum for dia...
Dermatology and Therapy is dedicated to the publication of ...
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International is a bilingual weekly on...
Aims and Scope This new interdisciplinary journal provides...
"Digital Medicine and Health" (CN 10-1909/R, ISSN 2097-3349...
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness is the fir...
Drug and Alcohol Review is an international meeting ground ...
Drug Safety is the official journal of the International So...
Drugs: education, prevention & policy publishes multi-disci...
The East African Medical Journal is published every month. ...
The mission of the Journal is to contribute to improving he...
The effective translation of insights gained from biomedica...
The premium gold open access venue for clinical medical res...
Economics and Human Biology is devoted to the exploration o...
Education for Primary Care is a respected international aca...
As an international peer reviewed journal, the mission of E...
Emerging Themes in Epidemiology is an open access, peer-rev...
eNeuro’s mission is to publish excellent science that can b...
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis publishes original ...
Environmental Health publishes manuscripts on important asp...
The official journal of the Japanese Society for Hygiene, E...
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journa...
Epidemiology & Prevention , today an organ of the Italian A...
Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations is an open access,...
Epidemiologic Reviews is a leading review journal in public...
Epidemiology publishes original research from all fields of...
Epidemiology and Health (epiH) is an electronic journal pub...
Epidemiology and Infection is a fully open access journal p...
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences is an international, ...
Epilepsia Open is the new open access journal of the Intern...
Ethnicity & Disease is an international journal that exclus...
Ethnicity & Health is an international academic journal des...
he European Journal of Cancer Care aims to encourage compre...
European Journal of Cancer Prevention aims to promote an in...
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitat...
EJCN is an international, peer-reviewed journal covering al...
The Official Journal of the European Society of Contracepti...
The European Journal of DrugMetabolism and Pharmacokinetics...
European Journal of Epidemiology, published for the first t...
EuJIM considers manuscripts from a wide range of complement...
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology embraces all the ...
The European Journal of Public Health is a multidisciplinar...
European Psychiatry is the official journal of the European...
Eurosurveillance is a European peer-reviewed scientific jou...
Experimental Biology and Medicine (EBM) is a global, peer-r...
Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs [e-ISSN 2167-8707] is an int...
Exposure & Health is a multidisciplinary journal that focus...
Family and Community Health is a practical quarterly journa...
Family Medicine and Community Health (FMCH) is a peer-revie...
Family Practice is an international journal aimed at practi...
Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways pub...
Frontiers in Oral Health forges new pathways to improve ora...
Frontiers in Public Health publishes developments in all fi...
Frontiers in Toxicology is a multidisciplinary journal pres...
Although the term ‘rare disease’ suggests a comparatively s...
Gender Medicine focuses on the impact of sex and gender on ...
The aim of Gender, Place and Culture is to provide a forum ...
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (GGM) is an interdiscipl...
The forum for health economics and quality management in he...
Global Advances in Health and Medicine (Global Advances) is...
To inform, innovate, educate, debate. Global Epidemiology ...
Global Health & Medicine is dedicated to publishing high-qu...
The journal aims to: Publish academic content and commentar...
Global Health: Science and Practice (GHSP) is a no-fee, ope...
Global Pediatric Health (GPH) is a peer-reviewed, open acce...
Global Public Health is an international journal that publi...
Global Qualitative Nursing Research (GQNR) is a ground brea...
Globalization and Health is a pioneering and transdisciplin...
The Harm Reduction Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed...
The journal is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to th...
Health Affairs is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journa...
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes is an open access, peer...
Health and Social Care in the Community is an international...
Health Behavior and Policy Review is a rigorously peer-revi...
Health Care for Women International is a critically acclaim...
Health Care Management Science (HCMS) is an interdisciplina...
The journal is directed to a broad, interdisciplinary inter...
Health Education & Behavior is an official publication of t...
Health Education Journal is a peer reviewed journal publish...
Publishing original, refereed papers, Health Education Rese...
Health Expectations promotes critical thinking and informed...
HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice is a forum for ...
Health Physics, first published in 1958, provides the lates...
Health Policy is intended to be a vehicle for the explorati...
Health Policy and Planning publishes health policy and syst...
Health Promotion International contains refereed original a...
The Health Promotion Journal of Australia is a peer-reviewe...
Health Promotion Practice (HPP) publishes authoritative art...
HRP&S covers all aspects of the organisation and use of hea...
Health Science Reports is an international, open access jou...
The journal reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the fi...
Healthcare Management Forum is the official peer-reviewed j...
Human Resources for Health welcomes manuscripts on all aspe...
IJID Regions is an official journal of the International So...
Implementation Science publishes research relevant to the s...
Indian Journal of Community Medicine, the official organ of...
The Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR) [Print ISSN: ...
The quality of the environment within buildings is a topic ...
Published by National Institute of Occupational Safety and ...
The Infant Mental Health Journal (IMHJ) is the official pub...
Infection is to be a forum for the presentation and discuss...
Infection & Chemotherapy (Infect Chemother) is an internati...
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology publishes scienti...
The journal aims to be a platform for the publication and d...
Infectious Diseases and Therapy is an international, open a...
Infectious Diseases Now (formerly Médecine et Maladies Infe...
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses is the official jou...
Influenza Research and Treatment is a peer-reviewed, Open A...
Since its inception in 1995, Injury Prevention has been the...
Innovation in Aging is an open access journal of The Geront...
Insights into Imaging is a peer-reviewed, online gold open ...
The Interactive Journal of Medical Research (i-JMR, ISSN: 1...
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental He...
Breastfeeding is recognized as an important public health i...
International Journal for Equity in Health presents evidenc...
The International Journal for Quality in Health Care (IJQHC...
The International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (IJBM) is ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical ...
The International Journal of Circumpolar Health is publishe...
The International Journal of Drug Policy provides a forum f...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public ...
The International Journal of Epidemiology is an essential r...
IJFM publishes papers dealing with all aspects of food micr...
The International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics publis...
International Journal of Health Geographics is fully dedica...
International Journal of Health Governance (IJHG) is orient...
The International Journal of Health Services is a peer-revi...
The International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Heal...
The International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) is ...
International Journal of Inflammation is a peer-reviewed, O...
The International Journal of Medical Students (IJMS) is a p...
International Journal of Medicine and Public Health is a pe...
The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP) is a ...
The International Journal of Public Health publishes scient...
International Journal of Research in Health Sciences? is an...
This peer-reviewed journal provides a clinically oriented f...
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Ca...
International Journal of Transgenderism, together with its ...
The IJTLD is the reference for clinical research and epidem...
The Journal publishes applied research, policy and case stu...
Interventional Cardiology: Reviews, Research, Resources (IC...
The aim of Iranian Journal of Health Sciences is to provide...
Iranian Journal of Public Health has been continuously publ...
The Irish Journal of Medical Science is the official organ ...
JAAD International is one of three open access companion ti...
JACC: Case Reports is an open access journal serving as a f...
JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes? see...
JAMA Health Forum is an international, peer-reviewed, onlin...
JAMA Network Open is an international, peer-reviewed, open ...
Since 1883, physicians and health care professionals around...
JCOM is an open access peer reviewed journal focused on sci...
The JDR Clinical & Translational Research is a peer-reviewe...
JID Innovations is an online-only Open Access journal that ...
JMIR Public Health & Surveillance is a PubMed-indexed, pee...
JNCI Cancer Spectrum is a peer-reviewed, open-access journa...
JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation provides valu...
The Journal of Adolescence is an international, broad based...
The Journal of Adolescent Health is a multidisciplinary sci...
Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery is ...
The Journal of Aging & Social Policy presents insightful co...
The Journal of Aging and Health is a peer-reviewed, interdi...
JAPA is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal examining...
The Journal of Agromedicine: Practice, Policy, and Research...
The Journal of American College Health provides informatio...
Journal of Applied Microbiology publishes high quality full...
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research (JBHS&...
The Journal of Behavioral Medicine is a broadly conceived i...
The Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO) publishes peer-revie...
The Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism (JBMM) provides ...
Journal of Breath Research is dedicated to all aspects of s...
The Journal of Cancer Education, the official journal of th...
Journal of Cancer Epidemiology is a peer-reviewed, open acc...
Cancer survivorship is a worldwide concern. The aim of this...
Journal of Carcinogenesis is a peer-reviewed, online journa...
The Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse addresses...
The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology aims at promoting the ...
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension is a peer-reviewed, mo...
Journal of Clinical Virology is an international journal pu...
The Journal of Community Genetics is an international forum...
Journal of Community Health offers original articles on the...
Shell record for PMSolution...
The JCNH has developed into a modern peer-reviewed journal ...
The Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia provides an internati...
CMRO is the flagship medical journal. An open access, open ...
Journal of Education and Health Promotion (JEHP) is an open...
Journal of Emergency Management is today’s first choice for...
The Journal of Endocrinological Investigation is an interna...
Journal of Environmental and Public Health is a peer-review...
The Journal of Epidemiology is the official open access sci...
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health is a truly int...
The Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse presents rigoro...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine publishes origina...
The Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice aims to prom...
The Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiol...
The Journal of Family Violence (JOFV) is a peer-reviewed pu...
The Journal of Genetic Counseling (JOGC), published for the...
The Journal of Gerontological Nursing is a monthly, peer-re...
The Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance (JGAR) is a ...
Journal of Global Health (JoGH) is a peer-review general me...
Journal of Global Infectious Diseases (JGID) is an internat...
Journal of Health & Productivity (JHP) publishes original a...
Journal of Health and Social Behavior is a medical sociolog...
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (JHCPU)...
ournal of Health Communication: International Perspectives ...
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy provides a uni...
The aim is to publish high quality research and information...
Written for professionals by professionals, the Journal of ...
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics is an internationa...
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health is an internationa...
The Journal of Infection publishes original papers on all a...
The Journal of Infection and Public Health, aims to be the ...
Journal of Infection Prevention is the professional publica...
Journal of Investigative Medicine (JIM) is the official pub...
The Journal of LGBT Health Research: The Interdisciplinary ...
Journal of Medical Entomology is published bimonthly in Jan...
Journal of Medical Ethics is a leading international journa...
As part of the Microbiology Society portfolio, Journal of M...
Journal of Medical Safety (JMS) is an official English jour...
Journal of Medical Screening, a fully peer reviewed journal...
The Journal of Medicine Access is an open access journal wh...
The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics publishes...
The Journal of Microbiological Methods publishes scholarly ...
The Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health (JMWH) is the off...
The "Journal of Modern Oncology" is an open access, peer-re...
The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB), the...
Journal of Obesity is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is an in...
Aimed at clinicians and researchers, the Journal of Occupat...
The Journal focuses on the rapidly growing field of orthopa...
The Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health provides a foru...
The Journal of Palliative Care is a quarterly, peer-reviewe...
The Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (JPRO) is an inter...
The Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmac...
Journal of Pregnancy is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journa...
The Journal of Prevention is a multidisciplinary journal th...
The JPAD « Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’Disease » wil...
The Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene is published...
Journal of Primary Care and Community Health publishes peer...
The Journal of Primary Health Care (JPHC) is published by C...
The Journal of Primary Prevention publishes manuscripts tha...
A single source of integrated information on providing the ...
The Journal of Public Health invites submission of papers o...
The Journal of Public Health: From Theory to Practice is an...
The Journal of Public Health Dentistry is devoted to the ad...
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice publishes ...
JPHP will continue its 35 year tradition: an accessible sou...
Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities reports on ...
The Journal of Rural Health, a quarterly journal published ...
The Journal of Safety Research is a multidisciplinary publi...
Journal of School Health is published 12 times a year on be...
he Journal of School Nursing (JOSN) provides a bimonthly pe...
Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases is a peer-reviewed...
The Journal of Sickle Cell Disease and Hemoglobinopathies (...
The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (JSAT) features or...
The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is th...
Our expert, peer-reviewed publications are hand-chosen for ...
JAMIA is AMIA's premier peer-reviewed journal for biomedica...
A single-blind peer-review, online-only, and Gold Open Acce...
The Journal of the American Pharmacists Association is the ...
JASC publishes regular bimonthly issues with cutting-edge o...
Published quarterly, the Official Journal of the Associatio...
The Journal of Dermatology Nurses’ Association (JDNA) is th...
The JIAS is a peer-reviewed, PubMed- and Medline-indexed jo...
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AI...
The Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A ...
The Journal of Urban Health is the premier and authoritativ...
The journal publishes original research contributions, revi...
Journal of Women's Health is the primary source of informat...
The Lancet Regional Health – Americas is a new open access ...
The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia is a new open a...
Learning Health Systems (LHS) is an international, open acc...
Lung Cancer is an international publication covering the cl...
The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences (MJMS) is a peer-...
The main aim of MJMHS is to be a premier journal for all as...
Maternal and Child Health Journal offers an exclusive forum...
Maturitas is an international multidisciplinary peer review...
Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes (M...
The scope of mBio reflects the enormity of the microbial wo...
Med is a premier clinical and translational research monthl...
Rated as one of the top ten journals in healthcare administ...
Medical Humanities presents the international conversation ...
It is a scientific journal, published quarterly and can be ...
Medical Review is the most comprehensive medical journal fo...
Aim: Published since 1920, Medicina is a peer reviewed mon...
Medicine is a fully open access journal, providing authors ...
Preprint server for Health Sciences. A free online archive...
Medwave is a peer-reviewed, biomedical and public health jo...
Skin cancer is on the rise. According to the World Health O...
The aim of this international journal is to draw together r...
Molecular Neurodegeneration is an open access, peer-reviewe...
The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR ) series is...
How long will we live? And how much of that time will compr...
Cardiovascular disease causes one-third of deaths worldwide...
As the most abundant living entities on our planet, microor...
Nature Reviews Cardiology's clinical, translational, and ba...
The North Carolina Medical Journal was founded in 1849 by t...
Neuroepidemiology is the only internationally recognised pe...
The New Zealand Medical Association is a strong advocate on...
Nicotine & Tobacco Research is one of the world's few peer-...
North Carolina Pharmacist is published quarterly (February,...
npj Vaccines is a multidisciplinary journal that is dedicat...
Nutrients is an international, peer-reviewed open access ad...
Obesity is dedicated to increasing knowledge, fostering res...
'Obesity Facts' publishes articles covering all aspects of ...
The aim of Obesity Research & Clinical Practice (ORCP) is t...
Occupational and Environmental Medicine is an international...
Occupational Medicine is an international peer-reviewed jou...
The journal is of interest to a broad, global audience of p...
One Health Advances focuses on the intersection of animal, ...
One Health Outlook is a new open access journal published b...
The journal aims to promote knowledge that is directly rele...
This open-access journal examines issues relevant to health...
Ophthalmology and Therapy is an international, open access,...
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases is an open access, peer-r...
Osteopathic Family Physician, the official journal of the ...
OTO Open is the official open access journal of the America...
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery is the official peer-r...
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology crosses the boundarie...
Pain and Therapy is an international, open access, peer-rev...
PWJ - PAINWeek Journal, like our website, is meant to exten...
Palliative Medicine is a highly ranked, peer-reviewed schol...
We believe that scientific work done in Africa should be ra...
The Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública/Pan American Jour...
Particle and Fibre Toxicology is an open access, peer-revie...
Patient Education and Counseling is an interdisciplinary, i...
PHP advances pedagogy through contributions in areas such a...
Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology is a peer-re...
Pediatric Obesity has established itself as the leading jou...
Pediatric Research publishes original translational researc...
Encompass the needs of the whole child in his or her physio...
Perspectives in Public Health is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed...
Provide an international forum for the communication and ev...
PLOS Global Public Health is an open access global forum fo...
PLOS Medicine publishes articles relevant to clinicians, po...
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases is dedicated to research t...
Population Health Management provides comprehensive, author...
Population Health Metrics aims to advance the science of po...
Prehospital Emergency Care publishes peer-reviewed informat...
Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed public ...
Prevention Science is the official publication of the Socie...
Founded in 1972 by Ernst Wynder, Preventive Medicine is an ...
Preventive Medicine Reports is an open access journal provi...
Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare is a peer-reviewed open...
Progress in Community Health Partnerships (PCHP) is a natio...
Psychiatric Quarterly publishes original research, theoreti...
Psychiatric Services, established in 1950, is published mon...
Psychology & Health promotes the study and application of p...
Psychology of Women Quarterly (PWQ) is a feminist, scientif...
Public Health is an international, multidisciplinary peer-r...
Public Health Ethics is the first peer-reviewed internation...
'Public Health Genomics' aims to bring principles of popula...
Public Health Nutrition provides an international peer-revi...
Public Health Reports publishes bi-monthly on major topics ...
Public Health Reviews (PHR) is a multi-disciplinary peer-re...
Public Understanding of Science (PUS) publishes articles on...
The Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal (PRHSJ) is the scie...
"Pulmonary Therapy is an international, open access, peer-r...
Quality of Life Research is an international, multidiscipli...
Radiation Protection Dosimetry covers all aspects of person...
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (RPTH) ...
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (RSAP) publi...
Research on Aging is an interdisciplinary journal designed ...
The Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry is the official publica...
It is a quarterly publication edited by the Mexican Social ...
The Revista de Saúde Pública has the purpose of publishing ...
The Medical Journal of the Mexican Social Security Institut...
Continues:Revue d'épidémiologie, médecine sociale et santé ...
Rheumatology and Therapy is an international, open access, ...
RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL is an independent journal reflec...
Risk Analysis, published on behalf of the Society for Risk ...
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy is an international, ...
SAGE Open Medical Case Reports is a peer reviewed, open acc...
Subjects covered include, but are not limited to: Allergy/I...
The São Paulo Medical Journal/Evidence for Health Care w...
The Scandinavian Journal of Optometry and Visual Science (S...
The Scandinavian Journal of Public Health is an internation...
The aim of the Journal is to promote research in the fields...
In each issue we cover a wide range of practical topics rel...
An independent publication developed specifically to meet t...
Published six times a year, School Psychology International...
Family Medicine (Medicina de Familia - SEMERGEN) is the off...
An official publication of the International Society for Se...
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, the official journal of the ...
Sexually Transmitted Infections is the world's longest runn...
The quarterly journal, Slovenian Journal of Public Health, ...
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology is intended ...
Social Science & Medicine provides an international and int...
Social Work in Public Health provides a much-needed forum f...
The South African Family Practice (SAFP) journal is the off...
Publications of SAJID centre round aspects of epidemiology ...
The Southern Medical Journal is the official, peer-reviewed...
We publish original articles, reviews, commentary on public...
The new online only, open access, peer reviewed journal cov...
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health is a peer-reviewed, op...
The journal aims to influence practice in medicine and its ...
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy is an ope...
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior keeps professionals a...
Targeted Oncology addresses physicians and scientists commi...
The Thai Journal of Public Health is focused on all discipl...
EPMA Journal is a journal of predictive, preventive and per...
The Journal of Headache and Pain is a peer-reviewed open ac...
The Lancet is the world's leading independent general medic...
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health is a monthly print and...
The Lancet Digital Health, a new gold Open Access journal, ...
The Lancet Global Health focuses on disadvantaged populatio...
The Lancet Planetary Health seeks to be the pre-eminent jou...
The Lancet Public Health is a new online-only, open access ...
The Lancet Regional Health – Europe promotes the advancemen...
The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific is a new open ...
The Milbank Quarterly is devoted to scholarly analysis of s...
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases is an international, peer-rev...
Tobacco Control aims to study the nature and consequences o...
Tobacco Science and Technology is a peer reviewed journal s...
Topics in HIV Medicine is published 4 to 6 times a year and...
Toxicology & Industrial Health is a journal dedicated to re...
Toxicology Reports is dedicated to all aspects of toxicolog...
Toxicology Research publishes high quality, cutting edge re...
The purpose of Traffic Injury Prevention is to bridge the d...
Psychiatry has suffered tremendously by the limited transla...
Translational Research (formerly The Journal of Laboratory ...
Trends in Cancer is a new member of the Trends review journ...
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment is a peer-reviewed, Ope...
Tumour Virus Research aims to publish primary research and ...
U.S. Medicine is published monthly and serves the physician...
Vaccine is unique in publishing the highest quality science...
Vaccine: X is the open access companion journal of Vaccine ...
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases is an authoritative, pee...
Virus Adaptation and Treatment is an international, peer-re...
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies is an essential peer-...
WestJEM focuses on how the systems and delivery of emergenc...
The Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - The Central European J...
Widely accepted as the standard reference source for specia...
W&T is the only professional journal that focuses entirely ...
Women's Health Issues (WHI) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly, ...
The primary aim of World Journal of Translational Medicine ...
Zoonoses and Public Health brings together veterinary and h...
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