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Allergists, Environmental Epidemiologists, Industrial Hygienists, Industrial Scientists, Microbiologists, Pathologists, Physicists, Public Health Professionals, Pulmonologists
Aerobiologia is an international medium for the publication of original, full-length research papers and review articles in the interdisciplinary fields of aerobiology and interaction of human, plant and animal systems on the biosphere. Subjects covered include: bioaerosols, transport mechanisms, biometeorology, climatology, air/sea interaction, land-surface/atmosphere interaction, biological pollution, biological input to global change, microbiology, aeromycology, aeropalynology, arthropod dispersal and environmental policy. Emphasis is given to subjects linked to aerobiology such as: respiratory allergology, plant pathology, pest management, biological weathering and biodeterioration, indoor air quality, air-conditioning technology, industrial aerobiology and cultural heritage. The journal is of interest to aerobiologists and related scientists and professionals working in fields such as medicine, public health, industrial and environmental hygiene, biological sciences, agriculture, atmospheric physics, botany, environmental science and cultural heritage.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International Association for Aerobiology (IAA)
Publisher Name
Springer Netherlands
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