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Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine

Title Abbreviation
Asian Pac J Trop Med
Electronic ISSN
Biologists, Biomedical Researchers, Immunologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Microbiologists, Molecular Biologists, Pathologists, Pharmacologists
APJTM publishes new findings in basic and clinical research on tropical medicine and public health worldwide. It particularly pays attention to tropical disease, such as dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever, kala azar, anthracia pestis, malaria, cholera, plague, leishmaniasis, tsutsugamushi, schistosomiasis, filariasis, trypanosomatosis, leprosy, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, babesiasis, Lyme disease, avian influenza, enzootic hepatitis, African meningitis, red tide, influenza, tuberculosis, epidemic polyarthritis, Japanese encephalitis, hepatitis and other parasitological diseases and zoonoses, which have repeatedly caused major epidemics regionally. Pharmacological studies, molecular biological studies, biological studies, physiological studies, pathological studies, gene studies on treatment and management for these alarming global emergence and re-emergences of infectious diseases are our focuses, too. As an international journal, APJTM is distributed worldwide and invites papers from any corner of the world on all areas of tropical medicine and public health, with the following sections: Original articles; Review articles; Mini-reviews of internationally important topics; Short communications; Clinical experiences; Case reports; Letters to the Editor.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Medknow Publications - Wolters Kluwer
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