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Journal of Behavioral Medicine

Title Abbreviation
J Behav Med
Electronic ISSN
Epidemiologists, Outcomes Manager, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Public Health Professionals, Statisticians
The Journal of Behavioral Medicine is a broadly conceived interdisciplinary publication devoted to furthering our understanding of physical health and illness through the knowledge and techniques of behavioral science. Application of this knowledge to prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation is also a major function of the journal, which includes papers from all disciplines engaged in behavioral medicine research including: psychology, psychiatry, sociology, epidemiology, anthropology, health economics, public health, general medicine, and biostatistics. Examples of typical research areas include: effects of psychological stress on the immune and cardiovascular function; sociocultural influences on health and illness; adherence to medical regimen and health maintenance behavior (e.g., exercise, nutrition); the study of appetitive disorders (alcoholism, smoking, obesity) that serve as physical risk factors; behavioral factors in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS; pain, self-regulation therapies and biofeedback for somatic disorders; and brain-behavioral relationships that influence physiological function.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Springer Science and Business Media
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