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Academic Psychiatry is the international journal of the Ame...
Since its inception in 1981, Activities, Adaptation & Aging...
Addiction's aims are: to provide an effective outlet for hi...
Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum (ASJOF) is an internat...
Aggression and Violent Behavior, A Review Journal is a mult...
Aging clinical and experimental research offers a multidisc...
For over 50 years, American Behavioral Scientist has been a...
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias...
The American Journal of Community Psychology publishes orig...
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (AJDAA) is a...
The American Journal of Health Behavior seeks to improve th...
As the principal publication of the Global Alliance for Beh...
The American Journal of Preventive Medicine is the official...
Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics is the premie...
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, the Society of Behavioral Me...
The Annual Review of Public Health, in publication since 19...
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping deals with experimental and field...
Appetite is an international research journal specializing ...
The journal publishes original contributions dealing with p...
Assessment publishes articles advancing clinical assessment...
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health (AN...
Autism provides research of direct and practical relevance ...
Autism Research covers research relevant to ASD and closely...
Behavior Genetics - the leading journal concerned with the ...
For three decades, researchers and practitioners have turne...
Behavior Research Methods publishes articles concerned with...
Behavior Therapy, published six times a year, is an interna...
Behavioral and Brain Sciences (?BBS) is an internationally ...
Behavioral Healthcare is the practical resource on technolo...
Behavioral Medicine is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed jo...
The primary mission of Behavioral Neuroscience® is to publi...
Behavioral Sleep Medicine addresses behavioral dimensions o...
The major focus of Behaviour Research and Therapy is an exp...
Behavioural Brain Research is an international, interdiscip...
Behavioural Pharmacology publishes original research report...
Biological Psychology publishes original scientific papers ...
BioPsychoSocial Medicine is an open access, peer-reviewed o...
BMC Public Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal ...
Published quarterly in print and continuously online, BMJ S...
Body Image is an international, peer-reviewed journal that ...
Brain Disorders is a gold open access, online-only, multidi...
Brain Imaging and Behavior is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed j...
Research areas include: Physiological mechanisms that conve...
The Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention journal is dedi...
The Canadian Journal of Addiction/Journal Canadien d'Addict...
The Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science publishes origi...
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research is the premier journal de...
CareManagement provides a voice for case managers in a vari...
In each issue of Case Management Advisor, you'll find conci...
Case Reports in Pediatrics is a peer-reviewed, Open Access ...
Child & Family Behavior Therapy is a multi-dimensional sour...
Childhood Obesity continues to be the premier journal that ...
Aims and Scope Chronic Stress is a peer-reviewed, open-acc...
Aim: Clinical and Translational Neuroscience (CTN) is an i...
Clinical Gerontologist presents original research, reviews,...
CBP is an international journal with the primary mission of...
CABN focuses on behavior and brain processes in humans, bot...
The aim of Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology is to ...
Community Mental Health Journal is devoted to evaluation of...
Counselor is the oldest and most respected publication serv...
Criminal Justice and Behavior publishes articles examining ...
Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports provides in-depth r...
???Current Opinion in Psychiatry is an easy-to-digest bimon...
MDedge Psychiatry integrates Clinical Psychiatry News with ...
"Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences" provides criti...
Depression and Anxiety, the official journal of the Anxiety...
For over 60 years, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology...
Devoted to exploring relationships between brain and behavi...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports is an Open Access compa...
Drugs: education, prevention & policy publishes multi-disci...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry publishes original researc...
Epilepsy & Behavior is the fastest-growing international jo...
European Eating Disorders Review publishes authoritative an...
The European Journal of Behavior Analysis (EJOBA) is publis...
The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) aims to e...
Experimental Aging Research is a life span developmental an...
Genes, Brain and Behavior was launched in 2002 with the aim...
In view of the ever-increasing fraction of older adults, un...
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (GGM) is an interdiscipl...
Headache publishes original articles on all aspects of head...
Health Behavior and Policy Review is a rigorously peer-revi...
Health Education & Behavior is an official publication of t...
Health Psychology® is the official scientific journal of th...
Hormones and Behavior publishes original research articles,...
Implementation Research and Practice is an international, p...
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) is a bimo...
Established in 1972, the International Journal of Mental He...
The International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparati...
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice pr...
Italian Journal of Pediatrics is an open access peer-review...
JAMA Psychiatry (formerly Archives of General Psychiatry) i...
JMIR Mental Health is a premier PubMed/Scopus/SCI-indexed, ...
?????????The Journal for Healthcare Quality (JHQ), a peer-r...
The Journal of Aging and Health is a peer-reviewed, interdi...
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis is a psychology journa...
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science brings both schol...
The Journal of Applied Psychology® emphasizes the publicati...
The Journal of Applied School Psychology, as the Official J...
Focuses on basic and applied research and clinical issues r...
The Journal welcomes contributions to the understanding and...
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research (JBHS&...
The Journal of Behavioral Medicine is a broadly conceived i...
Journal of Biological Rhythms (JBR) publishes original repo...
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology (JCAP) i...
Journal of Child and Family Studies is the international fo...
Each monthly issue of Journal of Child Neurology (JCN) embr...
The Journal of College Student Psychotherapy explores signi...
JCCP publishes original contributions on the following topi...
The Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy promotes a bet...
The Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, the journal of ...
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics (JDBP) is ...
Journal of General and Family Medicine is the official peer...
Journal of Health and Social Behavior is a medical sociolog...
Journal of Health Psychology is an international peer-revie...
Journal of Men’s Health (JOMH) is the official journal of t...
The Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome aims to improve...
The Journal of Primary Prevention publishes manuscripts tha...
Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Disorders publishes a...
he Journal of School Nursing (JOSN) provides a bimonthly pe...
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute (print ISSN: 0...
Learning Health Systems (LHS) is an international, open acc...
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory publishes articles conc...
The journal publishes review articles which are original an...
PWJ - PAINWeek Journal, like our website, is meant to exten...
Pediatric Research publishes original translational researc...
Perspectives on Behavior Science is an official publication...
Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior publishes original rep...
Physiology & Behavior is aimed at the causal physiological ...
Psychiatric Quarterly publishes original research, theoreti...
PRJ encourages submissions regarding mechanisms of change i...
Psychological Science, the flagship journal of the Associat...
Psychology & Health promotes the study and application of p...
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors® publishes peer-reviewed ...
Qualitative Health Research is an international, interdisci...
Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology brings tog...
Schizophrenia Research: Cognition is a companion title to t...
Stress Management Professional An International Journal (SM...
The journal Stress aims to provide scientists involved in s...
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy is an ope...
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior keeps professionals a...
The Thai Journal of Public Health is focused on all discipl...
The Behavior Analyst is an official publication of the Asso...
The Journal publishes empirical research and theoretical ar...
Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Resear...
Essential reading for those working directly in the cogniti...
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