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General Practitioners, Geriatricians, Gerontologists, Physicians
In view of the ever-increasing fraction of older adults, understanding the mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases has become a matter of urgent necessity. Gerontology, the oldest journal in the field, is also the only journal that responds to this need by drawing topical contributions from multiple disciplines to support the fundamental goals of extending active life and enhancing its quality. The range of papers is classified into five sections. In the Clinical Section, the aetiology, pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of age-related diseases are discussed from a gerontological rather than a geriatric viewpoint. The Experimental Section contains up-to-date contributions from basic gerontological research. Papers dealing with behavioural development and related topics are placed in the Behavioural Science Section. Basic aspects of regeneration in different experimental biological systems as well as in the context of medical applications are dealt with in the Regenerative Section whereas the Technological Section contains important information on major technological advances for older adults. Providing a primary source of high-quality papers covering all aspects of aging in humans and animals, Gerontology serves as an ideal information tool for all readers interested in the topic of aging from a broad perspective.
Sponsoring Association(s)
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG)
Publisher Name
Karger Publishers
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