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European Journal of Psychotraumatology

Title Abbreviation
Eur J Psychotraumatol
Electronic ISSN
Academics, Clinicians, Counselors, Mental Health Administrators, Mental Health Evaluators, Mental Health Policymakers, Psychiatric Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Scientists, Therapists, Trauma Coordinators
The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) aims to engage scholars, clinicians and researchers in the vital issues of how to understand, prevent and treat the consequences of stress and trauma, including but not limited to, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depressive disorders, substance abuse, burnout, and neurobiological or physical consequences, using the latest research or clinical experience in these areas. The journal shares ESTSS’ mission to advance and disseminate scientific knowledge about traumatic stress. Papers may address individual events, repeated or chronic (complex) trauma, large scale disasters, or violence. he European Journal of Psychotraumatology seeks to attract contributions from academics and practitioners from diverse professional backgrounds, including, but not restricted to, those in mental health, social sciences, and health and welfare services. Contributions from outside Europe are welcome. The journal welcomes original basic and clinical research articles that consolidate and expand the theoretical and professional basis of the field of traumatic stress; Review articles including meta-analyses; short communications presenting new ideas or early-stage promising research; study protocols that describe proposed or ongoing research; case reports examining a single individual or event in a real-life context; clinical practice papers sharing experience from the clinic; letters to the Editor debating articles already published in the Journal; inaugural Lectures; conference ab
Sponsoring Association(s)
European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - US
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