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Brain Disorders

Title Abbreviation
Brain Disord
Electronic ISSN
Bio Chemists, Bioinformaticians, Bioinformaticists, Computational Biologists, Diagnosticians, Endocrinologists, Neurologists, Neuropsychiatrists, Neuropsychologists, Neuroscientists, Psychiatrists, Surgeons, Surgical Oncologists
Brain Disorders is a gold open access, online-only, multidisciplinary journal that publishes across a broad range of scientific and clinical disciplines, related to the diseases of the nervous system. The journal is a leading intellectual medium, promoting dialogue among basic and clinical scientists interested in topics from single molecules to behavior and from bench to the bedside.We are committed to publishing and widely disseminating high-quality articles that influence scientific thinking, understanding of disease mechanisms, and clinical practice. Brain Disorders welcomes the submission of original and review articles, meta-analysis, short communications, technical notes, clinical case reports, and perspectives/commentaries. We publish in all related basic science and clinical areas including but not limited to: cellular & molecular neuroscience, biochemistry, genetics & genomics, bioinformatics & computational neuroscience, neuropharmacology, neuroimmunology, neurotechnology, behavioural neuroscience, novel therapeutics, diagnostics and biomarkers, pediatric and adult neurology, neurosurgery, neuropathology, neuroimaging, neuro-oncology, neurophysiology, neuroendocrinology, and psychiatry.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Elsevier B.V.
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