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Academic Psychiatry

Title Abbreviation
Acad Psychiatry
Electronic ISSN
Academics, Mental Health Administrators, Mental Health Evaluators, Mental Health Policymakers, Psychiatrists, Residents
The Journal’s mission supports work that furthers knowledge and stimulates evidence-based advances in academic medicine in six key domains: education, leadership, finance and administration, career and professional development, ethics and professionalism, and health and well-being. Original articles present empirical research, systematic reviews, or critical analyses that inform one of these six key domains, important to academic psychiatry, behavioral sciences, and the health professions. Academic Psychiatry often assembles collections of papers on themes pertinent to its readership. The journal also invites full and brief empirical reports, as well as contributions to the educational resource column, the media column, commentaries, position papers, book reviews, poems, and letters to the editor.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry (AACDP), American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT), Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP), Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP), World Psychiatric Association Section on Education in Psychiatry
Publisher Name
Springer Science and Business Media
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