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Globalization and Health

Title Abbreviation
Global Health
Electronic ISSN
Environmental Epidemiologists, Epidemiologists, Public Health Professionals
Globalization and Health is a pioneering and transdisciplinary journal that situates public health and wellbeing within the dynamic forces of global development, publishing high quality original research on globalization and its effects on public health, both positive and negative. We welcome papers exploring how globalization processes affect health through their impacts on health systems and the social, economic, commercial, and political determinants of health. We embrace policy, systems, technological, organizational, clinical, community and individual perspectives, provided submissions identify how their topic has inherently global/globalization causes and/or consequences. The journal includes sections dedicated to a broad range of topics, including: Development, Disease, Economics and trade, Environment, Governance for health, Health in foreign policy, Health systems, and Migration and mobilities. We do not privilege any disciplinary view and aim to reflect and shape the thinking and improve the health-related decisions of researchers, practitioners, governments, civil society, corporates and United Nations agencies. Globalization and Health is dedicated to supporting the breadth of topics and issues underpinning this emerging and divergent area of research, and welcomes a range of publications, including original research, commentaries, evidence reviews and debate articles. As a global public health journal, we also actively encourage publications from developing countries and economies in transition.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
BioMed Central Ltd. (BMC)
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