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JID Innovations

Title Abbreviation
JID Innov
Electronic ISSN
Therapeutic Area
Clinicians, Dermatologists, Epidemiologists, Researchers
JID Innovations is an online-only Open Access journal that provides an international forum for the rapid publication of high-quality, peer reviewed research in the field of skin biology and disease. JID Innovations features original scientific reports related to all aspects of skin science from molecular studies to population health, including studies addressing the pathogenesis and treatment of skin diseases. Submissions should address questions that are important and relevant to the community of researchers and clinicians focused on skin biology and disease. Submissions may confirm or challenge current knowledge, inform the community of a new technology or resource, advance a new hypothesis, or challenge existing paradigms. JID Innovations invites submission of original scientific articles, clinical trial reports, case reports and case series, descriptions of methods and new technologies, reviews, and letters to the Editor. The scope of JID Innovations is by design broad. As our subtitle - "Skin science from molecules to population health" - suggests, we will publish articles on all aspects of skin biology and pathology. We are interested in molecular mechanisms and population health. We will be soliciting review articles with a focus on what experiments need to be done, looking forward, not back. We will be interested both in studies that close knowledge gaps and those that expose gaps in our current thinking. We will also seek descriptions of new methods that have great potential in the investigation of skin and skin diseases. We will pursue studies that stimulate and guide future studies; molecular studies that suggest new therapeutic interventions; as well as small clinical trials that provide potentially critical clues for mechanisms of disease. So-called negative studies that address important questions and are well done are important in formulating future hypotheses, and they are welcome. Clinical trials on small, localized populations help researchers move towards larger definitive trials more quickly; JID Innovations welcomes these submissions as well. Well-done studies that contradict current dogma can open the scientific community's eyes to new paradigms, and these are also welcome. JID Innovations is committed to the principle that timely, barrier-free circulation of ideas is the best way to advance understanding.
Sponsoring Association(s)
European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR), Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID)
Publisher Name
Elsevier B.V.
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