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ACS Chemical Health & Safety

Title Abbreviation
J Chem Health Saf
Electronic ISSN
Chemical Engineers, Chemists, Environmentalists, Health Professionals, Industrial Hygienists, Policy Makers, Public Health Professionals
While safety permeates all ACS journals, it benefits from its preeminence in ACS Chemical Health & Safety where its authors influence chemical safety and guide tomorrow’s science. Chemical safety research can be transformational and innovative, and it can also focus on practice and be narrowly scoped. This includes foundational datasets or variations on well-studied themes because they hold value to those working with hazardous materials. ACS Chemical Health & Safety provides the opportunity to publish across all these areas. As a discipline, chemical health and safety does not limit itself to laboratories and chemical facilities, and our authors are more than just chemists and chemical engineers; they are scientists with broad research backgrounds and members of the public from many disciplines, including environmental safety and health professionals, industrial hygienists, public health professionals, safety policy makers, human factors specialists, and more. Sample topics that span the journal's scope include: Fundamental chemical safety research and datasets; Chemical health safety and security warnings; Chemical risk assessment and management for all settings (e.g., laboratory, industrial, educational, public spaces, etc.); Other topics that influence chemical safety and guide tomorrow’s science (e.g., occupational safety, regulatory, emergency response, training/education, etc.). Manuscripts relating to commercial products are welcome, provided that they are not advertisements. Topics that address new medical approaches (e.g., those utilizing nano materials to deliver targeted drug therapies) and environmental contaminates will be considered, but are not regularly accepted for peer review because we believe the topics could be better served by the journals that specialize in those fields.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
American Chemical Society (ACS)
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