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JNCI Cancer Spectrum

Title Abbreviation
JNCI Cancer Spectr
Electronic ISSN
Allied Health Professionals, Epidemiologists, Health Service Researchers, Oncologists, Policy Makers, Public Health Professionals
JNCI Cancer Spectrum is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes 6 issues per year online. The journal publishes manuscripts that describe new findings of particular significance across a full range of clinical and translational cancer research, including prevention, screening, and treatment, as well as clinically relevant epidemiologic, public health, and policy research. In addition to novel results, the journal will also consider studies with meaningful confirmatory or negative findings, and it encourages systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and expert reviews of important topics. The journal also invites scholarly manuscripts discussing emerging hypotheses and research priorities. The journal employs a process of rigorous yet rapid review of submitted manuscripts so that findings of high scientific and medical interest can be published with minimum delay.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Oxford University Press - US
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