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Translational Psychiatry

Title Abbreviation
Transl Psychiatry
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Administrators, Biomedical Researchers, Clinical Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Epidemiologists, Health Service Researchers, Molecular Biologists, Neurologists, Neuroscientists, Policy Makers, Psychiatrists, Public Health Professionals
Psychiatry has suffered tremendously by the limited translational pipeline. Nobel laureate Julius Axelrod's discovery in 1961 of monoamine reuptake by pre-synaptic neurons still forms the basis of contemporary antidepressant treatment. There is a grievous gap between the explosion of knowledge in neuroscience and conceptually novel treatments for our patients. Translational Psychiatry bridges this gap by fostering and highlighting the pathway from discovery to clinical applications, healthcare and global health. We view translation broadly as the full spectrum of work that marks the pathway from discovery to global health, inclusive. The steps of translation that are within the scope of Translational Psychiatry include (i) fundamental discovery, (ii) bench to bedside, (iii) bedside to clinical applications (clinical trials), (iv) translation to policy and health care guidelines, (v) assessment of health policy and usage, and (vi) global health. All areas of medical research, including — but not restricted to — molecular biology, genetics, pharmacology, imaging and epidemiology are welcome as they contribute to enhance the field of translational psychiatry.
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Nature Publishing Group - US
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