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Journal of Medical Microbiology

Title Abbreviation
J Med Microbiol
Electronic ISSN
Clinical Microbiologists, Environmental Epidemiologists, Epidemiologists, Microbiologists, Molecular Biologists, Pathologists, Scientists
As part of the Microbiology Society portfolio, Journal of Medical Microbiology provides comprehensive coverage of medical, dental and veterinary microbiology, and infectious diseases. We welcome everything from laboratory research to clinical trials, including bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology. We publish articles under the following subject categories: Antimicrobial resistance, Clinical microbiology, Medical mycology, Molecular and microbial epidemiology, Microbiome and microbial ecology in health, One Health - emerging, zoonotic and environmental diseases, Pathogenesis, virulence and host response, Prevention, therapy and therapeutics. We welcome articles reporting novel, original research findings that go beyond descriptive or factual reporting of observations. For example, acceptable content might uncover underlying mechanisms or explanations of phenomena observed, or provide novel interpretation of observations. We also encourage basic research on the biology of pathogens, set in the context of infection or immunity, and where possible prefer a strong connection to a specific infection(s) for host-centred topics such as host cell biology or immunology.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Microbiology Society
Publisher Name
Microbiology Society
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