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Social Work in Public Health

Title Abbreviation
Soc Work Public Health
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Academics, Allied Health Professionals, Educators, Health Scientists, Mental Health Administrators, Mental Health Evaluators, Mental Health Policymakers, Nurses, Pharmacists, Policy Makers, Psychologists, Public Health Professionals, Social Scientists, Social Workers
Social Work in Public Health provides a much-needed forum for social workers and those in health and health-related professions. Focuses on all aspects of policy and social and health care considerations in policy-related matters, including its development, formulation, implementation, evaluation, review, and revision. By blending conceptual and practical considerations, it enables authors from many disciplines to examine health and social policy issues, concerns, and questions. Presents leading policymakers, as well as representatives affected by particular public and social policy, who discuss and debate new policies, giving readers special insight into policy formulation. Types of articles include: specific subjects such as primary prevention, health care strategies of various ethnic groups, and financial aspects in policy formulation articles by minority authors on all aspects of the field multidisciplinary perspectives on policy questions and specific issues articles that are centered on a particular theme or subject, such as homelessness, AIDS, or the economic costs of illness and health policy Professionals in the health care and social work fields—public health, health education, allied health, nursing, social work, urban affairs, pharmacy, psychology, sociology, mental health, and medicine—whose work is profoundly affected by public and social policy issues, are strongly encouraged to read this practical and informative journal.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Taylor & Francis, Inc. - US
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