Allied Health Professionals, Clinicians, General Practitioners, Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Medical Directors, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners/Physician Assistants, Nurses, Outcomes Manager, Patients, Physicians, Physicians - Medicine, Policy Makers, Public Health Professionals, Researchers, Residents
The Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (JPRO) is an international, open access, multi-disciplinary journal publishing original manuscripts in the field of patient-reported outcomes (PROs).
Some examples of the types of papers to be considered for publication in JPRO.
1) PROs in clinical trials. Results and methodology for PROs in clinical trials and other clinical studies.
2) PROs in clinical practice. Methods and applications of PROs in clinical practice, including individual patient management and using PRO results from comparative studies.
3) Patient, family, community, and public engagement. Methods to engage patients, family members, and members of the general public in the process of PRO-related research, policy formulation, and clinical guidelines development, and the evaluation of the effects of such engagement.
4) Qualitative studies on the development and application of PROs. Application, innovation, and best practices in qualitative and mixed methods in the development and use of PRO measures.
5) Studies of the social and behavioural determinants of health using PRO measures. Observational studies with PRO content.
6) Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs). Factors which may impact the experiences of patients, as well as their families, caregivers and healthcare providers. Innovative methods of capturing and analysing patient experiences.
7) Other papers. JPRO will consider original research and review articles, brief communications, commentaries, editorials, and reviews of recent books and software advances relevant to topics 1 through 6, above.
In general, Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes does not publish case reports, articles reporting study designs, pilot studies, or feasibility studies.