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Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods

Title Abbreviation
Cochrane Evid Synth Methods
Electronic ISSN
Allied Health Professionals, Artificial Intelligence Researcher, Clinicians, Data Analysts, Health Professionals, Health Service Researchers, Librarians, Managers, Outcomes Manager, Patient Advocates, Patients, Policy Makers, Public Health Professionals, Researchers, Sociologists, Statisticians
Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods (CESM) is a fully open access journal that aims to develop the evidence base for how we produce and publish evidence syntheses. The journal welcomes different types of evidence syntheses across health and social care including scoping reviews, rapid reviews, evidence gap maps, brief reports, and methods research evaluating how we plan, produce, and disseminate evidence syntheses. The journal also welcomes research articles seeking to inform and develop evidence synthesis decisions and methods, including, priority setting, consumer involvement, and meta-research to improve research integrity.
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Publisher Name
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. - UK
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