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Ciencia & Saude Coletiva (Science & Public Health)

Title Abbreviation
Cien Saude Colet
Electronic ISSN
Environmental Epidemiologists, Public Health Professionals
Published by the Brazilian Association of Collective Health/Abrasco, the Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva – created at the end of 1996 – is a scientific space for discussions, debates, presentation of research, exposure of new ideas and controversies in the area. Since its inception, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva has faithfully complied with periodicity and standardization requirements for scientific publication, following the rules of the Vancouver Convention that are commonly used in the areas of medicine and public health. From 2011 onwards, it became monthly, publishing 12 issues annually. In each issue there are always 8 to 10 thematic texts and around 15 others on different topics, opinions and reviews, for a total of 25 articles. In 2022, 417 articles were published on the most different topics that health care deals with. There has been, throughout the Journal's history, a visible growth in the participation of national and international authors and in the number of articles published. The journal receives several collaborations from researchers from English, Spanish and French speaking countries. As of 2014, the journal began publishing the printed version in Portuguese and the online version, in the SciELO database, in Portuguese and English. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva receives an average of over 2500 articles per year.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Associacao Brasileira de Pos-Graduacao em Saude Coletiva (Brazilian Association of Postgraduate Studies in Public Health)
Publisher Name
Brazilian Association of Collective Health/ABRASCO, the Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
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