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Trends in Cancer

Title Abbreviation
Trends Cancer
Electronic ISSN
Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Caregivers, Clinicians, Epidemiologists, Oncologists, Patients, Policy Makers, Scientists
Trends in Cancer is a new member of the Trends review journals, offering concise and engaging expert commentary articles that address key frontline research topics and cutting-edge advances in the rapidly changing field of cancer discovery and medicine. The journal provides a unique platform for multidisciplinary information, discussion and education that is valuable for scientists, clinicians, and policy makers, as well as patients & advocates. The latest opportunities, challenges and potential impact of basic, translational and clinical findings, industry R&D, technology and innovation, ethics, or cancer policy and funding are equally presented and debated in an authoritative but reader-friendly format. Critical issues to be covered in the journal include: Adult and Pediatric Cancers; Personalized Medicine; Tumor Microenvironment, Resistance and Metastasis; Immunotherapy; Metabolism; Genetics and Epigenetics; Diagnostics, Biomarkers and Treatment; Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention; Cancer related Ethics, Policy and Funding Initiatives.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Cell Press
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