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Public Understand of Science

Title Abbreviation
Public Underst Sci
Electronic ISSN
Epidemiologists, Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Industrial Scientists, Public Health Professionals, Scientists, Social Scientists, Statisticians
Public Understanding of Science (PUS) publishes articles on the interrelationship between science and the public in the context of different societies. It considers contributions from a variety of disciplines and perspectives such as communication, social studies of science, psychology, philosophy & history of science, and political science; it is also open to contributions based on practical experience. "Science" is understood in a broad way including the social sciences and humanities, technological and medical innovations, and scientific expertise on climate change, environment and health. Typical topics are: public perceptions, representations and assessments of science (e.g., knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and trust); public communication of science and scientific expertise in traditional and social media, science fiction and popular culture, events, and science museums; informal science education in public settings; public discourses and controversies over science and innovative technologies; public engagement, collaborations of science and public, public participation in knowledge creation, innovation and governance (citizen science, responsible research and innovation); models and theories of public understanding of science and science communication; medialization and medialization of science, public relations of science, open science; para-science and anti-science, science and religion, science and indigenous/traditional knowledge, scientific and everyday culture.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - UK
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