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Slovenian Journal of Public Health (Zdravstveno Varstvo)

Title Abbreviation
Zdr Varst
Electronic ISSN
Health Professionals, Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Primary Care, Primary Care Physicians, Public Health Professionals
The quarterly journal, Slovenian Journal of Public Health, is published by the National Institute of Public Health Slovenia since 1962. It is published as a scientific journal with English abstracts since 2003 and since 2014 in English language only. The journal mission is to promote new achievements in the broad field of public health in Slovenia and Central and South East Europe. Slovenian Journal of Public Health publishes internationally oriented articles and encourages interdisciplinary approach to public health. The journal is intended as a source for the exchange of new public health concepts and solutions between the researches from Central and South East Europe countries. The scope of Slovenian Journal of Public Health are all specific issues in public health, i.e. includes primary care, prevention of communicable and noncommunicable diseases, health promotion, environmental and occupational health, organization and management in public health, social and economical aspects of public health in Central and South East Europe. The journal publishes mainly original research and scientific papers, rarely also study protocols, systematic reviews and original invited editorials. The articles are submitted to a peer review process done by at least three international reviewers from different areas of public health. The process is double-blinded, fast, fair and constructive.
Sponsoring Association(s)
National Institute of Public Health Slovenia (Nacionalni Institut za Javno Zdravje) (NIJZ)
Publisher Name
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