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Journal of Hospital Infection

Title Abbreviation
J Hosp Infect
Electronic ISSN
Epidemiologists, General Practitioners, Hospital Administrators, Hospitalists, Infectious Disease Specialists, Public Health Professionals
The aim is to publish high quality research and information relating to infection prevention and control that is relevant to an international audience. The Journal welcomes submissions that relate to all aspects of infection prevention and control in healthcare settings. This includes submissions that: provide new insight into the epidemiology, surveillance, or prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance in healthcare settings; provide new insight into cleaning, disinfection and decontamination; provide new insight into the design of healthcare premises; describe novel aspects of outbreaks of infection; throw light on techniques for effective antimicrobial stewardship; describe novel techniques (laboratory-based or point of care) for the detection of infection or antimicrobial resistance in the healthcare setting, particularly if these can be used to facilitate infection prevention and control; improve understanding of the motivations of safe healthcare behaviour, or describe techniques for achieving behavioural and cultural change; improve understanding of the use of IT systems in infection surveillance and prevention and control. We also welcome submissions that relate to national policies or guidelines, especially where the subject matter is of international relevance. Although our readership is predominantly clinical, we are also pleased to received basic science submissions that have clinical relevance.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Healthcare Infection Society (HIS)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Science Saunders - Philadelphia, PA
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