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International Journal of Health Governance

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Academics, Administrators, Clinicians, Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Hospital Administrators, Managed Care Specialists, Managers, Medical Directors, Medicolegal Professionals, Outcomes Manager, Physicians, Public Health Professionals
International Journal of Health Governance (IJHG) is oriented to serve those at the policy and governance levels within government, healthcare systems or healthcare organizations. It bridges the academic, public and private sectors, presenting case studies, research papers, reviews and viewpoints to provide an understanding of health governance that is both practical and actionable for practitioners, managers and policy makers. Policy and governance to promote, maintain or restore health extends beyond the clinical care aspect alone. Formerly published as Clinical Governance: An International Journal, the journal’s new title reflects an expansion in coverage. As well as including papers on clinical governance, which seeks to continuously improve and safeguard the quality of clinical services and patient care, the journal will now incorporate the broader domain of health governance, which encompasses the actions and means of organizing the promotion and protection of the health of a population. That comprehensive breadth, inclusive of public health, social determinants of health, population health systems and the full range of healthcare settings is our journal’s focus.
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Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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