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Pedagogy in Health Promotion

Title Abbreviation
Pedagogy Health Promot
Electronic ISSN
Academics, Administrators, Educators, Health Scientists, Public Health Professionals
PHP advances pedagogy through contributions in areas such as curriculum and course/program design, assessment, and administration relevant to teaching and learning. The content of the journal is especially relevant to instructors or trainers who provide continuing professional education, in the broad arena of health promotion and disease prevention. The quarterly journal welcomes works addressing the art and science of teaching and learning, and how it contributes to the formation and ongoing development of the health promotion professional working in any site and with a range of populations. Ideas related to pedagogy considered by this journal include: the linkage of the scholarship of teaching and learning to best practice in academic formation of health education specialists; works by health professionals involved in teaching subjects related to health promotion, health education, public health and health care, especially related to population health; quantitative or qualitative evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching modalities by educators in K-12 schools and at universities; descriptive studies on how the curriculum meets public health and health education specialists’ competencies; innovation for improved outcomes in the range of students’ experiential learning; projects to meet the needs of a knowledgeable, skilled, and ethical public health and health care workforce; innovation in using technology in the teaching/learning process; works that present examples of alignment among research, teaching.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)
Publisher Name
SAGE Publications - US
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