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Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Title Abbreviation
J Cancer Surviv
Electronic ISSN
Allied Health Professionals, Caregivers, Epidemiologists, Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Hematologists, Nurse Oncologists, Oncologists, Outcomes Manager, Policy Makers, Primary Care Physicians, Psychologists, Public Health Professionals, Rehabilitation Therapists, Social Workers
Cancer survivorship is a worldwide concern. The aim of this multidisciplinary journal is to provide a global forum for new knowledge related to cancer survivorship. The journal publishes peer-reviewed papers relevant to improving the understanding, prevention, and management of the multiple areas related to cancer survivorship that can affect quality of care, access to care, longevity, and quality of life. It is a forum for research on humans (both laboratory and clinical), clinical studies, systematic and meta-analytic literature reviews, policy studies, and in rare situations case studies as long as they provide a new observation that should be followed up on to improve outcomes related to cancer survivors. Published articles represent a broad range of fields including oncology, primary care, physical medicine and rehabilitation, many other medical and nursing specialties, nursing, health services research, physical and occupational therapy, public health, behavioral medicine, psychology, social work, evidence-based policy, health economics, biobehavioral mechanisms, and qualitative analyses. The journal focuses exclusively on adult cancer survivors, young adult cancer survivors, and childhood cancer survivors who are young adults. Submissions must target those diagnosed with and treated for cancer.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
Springer Science and Business Media
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