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Epidemiologists, Geneticists, Health Professionals, Health Service Researchers, Mental Health Evaluators, Mental Health Specialists, Nurses, Pharmaceutical Scientistists, Pharmacologists, Public Health Professionals, Pulmonologists, Vaccinologists, Virologists
COVID (ISSN 2673-8112) is an open access journal that provides an advanced and multidisciplinary forum for the study of coronaviruses, coronavirus-related diseases and global impact. Our aim is to publish papers on all aspects of coronaviruses, from basic molecular and clinical research to COVID-related public health studies, physical and psychological health, economic and environmental impact and all other aspects affected by coronaviruses. We welcome the submission of original research articles, reviews that are not part of Special Issues, communications, brief reports and several other types of papers. We encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Large electronic files, software, movies, etc., that cannot be published in the main paper can be posted as supplementary material. Scope: Human or Animal Coronaviruses: epidemiology and evolution; viral cross-species transmission and evolution; viral host interactions; mechanistic studies on coronaviruses; and pre-clinical studies on cellular and animal models. Clinical Treatment: viral respiratory infection; coronavirus pneumonia; severe acute respiratory syndrome; Middle East respiratory syndrome; and coronavirus immunity. Treatment Development: vaccine design; therapeutic vaccines; antiviral drug design; monoclonal antibodies; peptides; assay development and test kits; diagnostics; combinatorial therapies; and advances in cell as well as gene therapies. Public Health: pandemic surveillance; epidemiologic models; dynamic models; social and physical effects of lockdowns; mental health; vaccination campaigns; pandemic-related retrospective studies; and work engagement. Healthcare and COVID Complications: ventilation and transmission; acute respiratory failure; pneumonia; acute respiratory distress syndrome; acute liver injury; acute cardiac injury; cardiovascular risk factors; secondary infection; acute kidney injury; septic shock; comorbidities; and nursing perspectives. Global Impact: economic impact; lifestyle changes; online education; tourism; environmental impact; food supply; and logistics.
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MDPI Publishing
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