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Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal

Title Abbreviation
Cardiovasc Digit Health J
Electronic ISSN
Allied Health Professionals, Bioengineers, Biomedical Engineers/Technologists, Biomedical Researchers, Cardiologists, Caregivers, Clinical Engineers, Clinicians, Computer Scientists, Patients, Researchers, Technologists, Vascular Medicine Specialists
Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal, a new peer-review, Gold Open Access journal, is committed to publishing high-quality original clinical and experimental research, review articles, points-of-view, images and short reports contributing to the advancement and adoption of digital technologies in global cardiology and health practice. By bringing together the most important advances in this multidisciplinary field, Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal aims to be a prominent voice and publishing venue in digital health. Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal publishes original, important, innovative, and practice-changing research on any topic connected with digital health and technology in the field of cardiology. Submissions of quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, economic and health policy research papers will be considered through a peer-review process. We serve the global digital health, clinical, and wider health communities in the entire field of cardiology by promoting high-quality science and supporting the ethical use of technologies and data in practice.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Inc - NY
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