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Farmeconomia - Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways (Farmeconomia e percorsi terapeutici)

Title Abbreviation
Farmeco Perco Terap
Electronic ISSN
Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Healthcare Executives, Pharmacologists, Policy Makers, Public Health Professionals, Researchers, Statisticians
Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways publishes original researches and reviews in pharmacoeconomics and health economics. The aim is to provide contents of the highest quality, authority and accessibility. Emphasis is placed on evaluation of new drugs and pharmacoeconomics models, but the journal also publishes economic analysis of all types of healthcare interventions and of health policy initiatives, evaluation of methodologies, and analysis of pricing and reimbursement systems.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Italian Society for Economic and Ethical Studies on Medicines and Therapeutic Interventions (Societa italiana per studi di economia ed etica sul farmaco e sugli interventi terapeutici)
To see more details about Farmeconomia - Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways (Farmeconomia e percorsi terapeutici), Subscribe Now!
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