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Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental

Title Abbreviation
Hum Psychopharmacol
Electronic ISSN
Clinical Pharmacologists, Neurologists, Pharmaco-Epidemiologists, Pharmacologists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental provides a forum for the evaluation of clinical and experimental research on both new and established psychotropic medicines. Experimental studies of other centrally active drugs, including herbal products, in clinical, social and psychological contexts, as well as clinical/scientific papers on drugs of abuse and drug dependency will also be considered. While the primary purpose of the Journal is to publish the results of clinical research, the results of animal studies relevant to human psychopharmacology are welcome. The following topics are of special interest to the editors and readers of the Journal: All aspects of clinical psychopharmacology; Efficacy and safety studies of novel and standard psychotropic drugs; Studies of the adverse effects of psychotropic drugs; Effects of psychotropic drugs on normal physiological processes; Geriatric and paediatric psychopharmacology; Ethical and psychosocial aspects of drug use and misuse; Psychopharmacological aspects of sleep and chronobiology; Neuroimaging and psychoactive drugs; Phytopharmacology and psychoactive substances; Drug treatment of neurological disorders; Mechanisms of action of psychotropic drugs; Ethnopsychopharmacology; Pharmacogenetic aspects of mental illness and drug response; Psychometrics: psychopharmacological methods and experimental design.
Sponsoring Association(s)
No associations affiliated with this journal
Publisher Name
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. - UK
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