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Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Title Abbreviation
J Pain Symptom Manage
Electronic ISSN
Anesthesiologists, General Practitioners, Health Scientists, Health Service Researchers, Internists, Neurologists, Nurses, Oncologists, Pain Specialists, Pharmacists, Pharmacologists, Social Workers
The Journal of Pain and Symptom Management is an internationally respected, peer-reviewed journal and serves an interdisciplinary audience of professionals by providing a forum for the publication of the latest clinical research and best practices related to the relief of illness burden among patients afflicted with serious or life-threatening illness. The Journal has strongly supported both quantitative and qualitative research underpinning the evolving discipline of palliative care, including clinical trials of pain or symptom control therapies, epidemiology of phenomena related to life-threatening disease and end-of-life care, instrument development to enhance clinical assessment and facilitate investigation, and health services studies evaluating the outcomes of diverse therapeutic models. It also offers extensive coverage of clinical practice issues, publishing both systematic and narrative reviews, case series and case reports, and both special articles and columns that present important updates on topics as varied as the international diversity of palliative medicine, the economics of palliative care, and bioethics in end-of-life care.
Sponsoring Association(s)
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM), National Hospice and Pallative Care Organization (NHPCO)
Publisher Name
Elsevier Inc - NY
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