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5664 Journals
4506 Congresses
10100+ Unique Records


Title Abbreviation
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Dentists, Internists, Neurologists, Neuroscientists, Nurses, Otolaryngologists/ENT Specialists, Pediatricians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Pulmonologists, Researchers, Scientists
The mission of SLEEP® is to publish innovative, high-impact research findings in sleep and circadian science across the basic, translational, and clinical research spectrum. SLEEP® seeks to advance our understanding of sleep and circadian rhythms, as well as their contributions to health and disease. SLEEP® publishes findings from studies conducted at any level of analysis, including: Genes, Molecules, Cells, Physiology, Neural systems and circuits, Behavior and cognition, Self-report. SLEEP® publishes articles that use a wide variety of scientific approaches and address a broad range of topics. These may include, but are not limited to: Basic and neuroscience studies of sleep and circadian mechanisms; In vitro and animal models of sleep, circadian rhythms, and human disorders; Pre-clinical human investigations, including the measurement and manipulation of sleep and circadian rhythms; Studies in clinical or population samples. These may address factors influencing sleep and circadian rhythms (e.g., development and aging, and social and environmental influences) and relationships between sleep, circadian rhythms, health, and disease; Clinical trials, epidemiology studies, implementation, and dissemination research.
Sponsoring Association(s)
Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS)
Publisher Name
Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC
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